Updated Member Data Requested

Contact Data

Active Members are requested to review the contact data on file for them, as reflected under the Members Only section. Because notices and communications will be posted on the web-site and sent to the email addresses on file, ensuring the correctness of the email address on file is most important.

Members who wish to be considered “inactive” are still members for life, and are still invited to attend lunch meetings when they can, but will not receive email notices or communications from Mondongueros. Thus a member may simply request that he be moved from the “Active” to the “Inactive” list, or from the “Inactive to the “Active”. Input and requests from members may be logged on the web-site under the Members Only section, at the Terminal for Member Comments sub-section.

Importantly, all information sent in emails will also be posted on the web-site, and a member can therefore stay fully informed regarding club news and events by reference to the web-site.

Photographs “Old” and “New”

For posting In the Gallery of Active Member Photographs, we are also requesting “old” photographs that can posted adjacent to your recent photograph, with an indication of the year in which taken.

Some members have elected to use a photograph of them with a military or airline airplane that they flew. Others have provided photographs unrelated to work or flying.

You may provide a “hard copy”, which will be returned to you after being scanned into the computer system. You may also provide an electronic copy as an attachment to the email of the web-master, Mark Goodrich. In the event that you elect to provide an electronic image file, it should be in .jpg format, and with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Bio Data

Members are requested to provide a brief biography of information, including such things as education, military and work history, places lived, airplanes flown, and other information likely to be of interest to the membership. This information can be sent in any format – email body, email attachment or hand-delivery to the web master.