Member Bill Charney Resumes European Tour

Member Bill Charney has returned to Europe for the continuation of his “around the world flight” in his 1944 Beech D17S Staggerwing. His current plans are to return just prior to the annual Spouses Dinner in November, and we anticipate a presentation from him at that event.

Following is his first report upon arrival in Italy, where his Staggerwing has been stored for the winter


I’ve stumbled through the travel minefield once again and find myself having Easter dinner with the Italian family that has adopted my Staggerwing, and fortunately me along with her. After a slight delay at Newark, I was able to get on the non-stop flight to Milan. A short one hour-train ride later, and viola! There I was with my old friends – and my mistress – once again.

We finished the annual inspection on the old bird and now I have about a week of replacing panels, cowlings, and general cleaning. I then travel to St. Petersburg, Russia for about 8 days via Lufthansa to attend an Earth-Rounders convention, and see many friends whom I have visited in their home countries during my journey from New Zealand to Europe over the past three years.

Once back to Italy, there will be a few days of local flying before heading off through the Alps to Southern England, with a couple of stops along the way for short visits with friends. I will then begin preparation to take part in the 70th Anniversary of D-Day events in both the UK and France. Once on the French side, we will operate out of Cherbourg, watching round-canopy jumpers in WWII uniforms jump from C-47’s, one of which has flown all the way from the US to take part in the event.

My Staggerwing, due to her Royal Navy background, has been invited to take part, and it will be a proud few days to help honor the few remaining veterans of D-Day that will be there. After these events, my old girl and I will head off to Berlin and further eastwards to Poland, Lithuania, and other places yet to be determined.

More reports will follow as time and circumstances allow………..

Best regards – Bill “Biff Windsock” Charney