Annual Barbeque “A Success”

About one-half of the active membership, including Dictator Emeritus Tom Hallam,  turned out for the Annual Mondongueros Barbeque on Saturday, September 20th.

The weather, food and camaraderie were perfect.

Photographs taken at the event are posted on this web-site under the Event Galleries Section.

30th Anniversary Celebrated at Lunch Meeting on 10 Sep 14

The original chartering and first meeting of Club de los Mondongueros Reno took place on 08 September 1984. Thus, the 30th Anniversary is upon us, and will be celebrated at the regular lunch meeting  on Wednesday, 10 September 2014.

Four of the original members – Bill Charney, Berto Crawford, Tom Hallam and Ed Suterko – are still with us, and it is hoped all will attend the Anniversary Luncheon.

A presentation of Mondongueros History will be presented, and a group photograph will be taken memorializing the event.

The Dictator encourages all members who are able to attend this historic lunch.