“Old” Photographs of Each Member Requested

As announced repeatedly during the past several years, we are requesting several “old” photographs of each member. One will be posted on the web-site, while the others will be included within the Mondongueros Master Photograph Album, and distributed to all members each year on a DVD along with photographs of “Mondongueros’ Events”.

While some members have stepped forward with a handful of wonderful personal photographs, most have not yet answered the call. Please include this on your list of resolutions for 2020. One of the tragedies of club history is that so many members have moved away or flown west leaving no photographic record, and are thus only a name on the rosters of Mondongueros. Our club is entirely about the membership, and our individual histories are the foundation of its collective history. As such, your efforts to provide your history in photographs is an important element of support to the club, and for its history to be seen by the future membership.

One photograph representing every decade or two – maybe representing a graduation, a change in occupation or location, a new airplane type flown, or some other significant life-event – are requested. Noting the event and year in which taken will be helpful.

You may provide “hard copies”, which will be returned to you after being scanned into the computer system. You may also provide electronic image file copies as attachments to an email sent to Web-Master Mark Goodrich.

In the event that you elect to provide electronic image files, they should be in .jpg format, and with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

To assist in showing the type of photographs we are requesting, below is a representative gallery of Member Hans Wolfe, who was one of the original club members, and “flew west” on 20 June 2002.

2015 Photo Album DVD Ready for Distribution

Web-Master Mark Goodrich announces that the 2015 Photo Album DVD has been completed and is ready for distribution to the membership. Copies will be available at regular lunch meetings on and after 06 January 2016.

The DVD contains: (1) A copy of the 30th Anniversary Book setting forth the history of both the Panama and Reno clubs; (2) A complete set of photographs memorializing “Mondongueros Events”, starting with the First Meeting in 1984, and ending with the most recent Annual Spouses’ Dinner on 21 November 2015; and (3) A complete set of the photographs, submitted by members and taken at club events, that currently comprise the Mondongueros’ Master Photograph Album, starting with the Photograph taken of Member Fred Austin immediately after his first solo in 1933, and ending with those taken during the most recent Annual Spouses’ Dinner on 21 November 2015.

It is hoped that members will step forward in 2016 by submitting several photographs taken of themselves in years past, so that the Master Photograph Album for 2016 will reflect a broader representation of ‘members over the years’. The Member News item asking for those submissions contains information on how to submit, and sets forth an exemplar gallery of photographs taken over the years of Member Hans Wolfe.