Annual Spouses’ Dinner Set for 18 January 2020

Dictator Gary Edwards has announced the Annual Spouses’ Dinner will be held on the evening of Saturday, 18 January 2020, in the Eldorado Hotel and Casino in downtown Reno. In previous years, the dinner has been held in a basement meeting room, but this year will instead be held in the small restaurant across the lobby area from our regular lunch area, and between the gift shop and buffet facilities. This annual function is the one event where we dress above “casual”, and give our spouses or significant others some insight into the Club de los Mondongueros.

Cocktails will begin at 6:00 pm, and dinner at 7:00 pm.

An after-dinner presentation related to aviation is planned.

Members will be asked by the Dictator to specify their menu choices for the Annual Dinner at regular lunch meetings a few weeks before the event.