New Articles of Interest Posted

Two new articles have been posted under the Articles of Interest Section on this web-site.

The first is: Elgen Long: “The Way It Was…” and recounts the career of Member Elgen Long from his early days in the 1930s and 1940s as a radio operator and navigator on Boeing 314 “China Clipper” amphibians for World Airways, Consolidated PBYs for the United States Navy, and DC-4s for Alaska Airlines, to his subsequent positions as a pilot for the Flying Tiger Line on C-46s, DC-4s, DC-8s, and finally B-747s.

The second is The Great Albatross Caper, and recounts the events of the very humorous last leg of a trans-Pacific flight in a Grumman Albatross, flown by Members Mark H Goodrich and Bill Charney. It not only addresses the ways in which such flights – 15 to 20 hours in length – were made before the advent of GPS navigation, but also reveals the FAA to be a home for the congenitally bewildered, which will be a surprise to no one who has dealt with the agency.


Terry Ermert Loses Battle With Cancer

Terry Ermert

11 July 1943 – 30 December 2019

News has been received that Member Terry Ermert, who had been battling cancer for almost two years, succumbed to it at his home in Folsom on 30 December 2019.

Terry flew for the Flying Tiger Line, and therefore shared many hours aloft with our substantial contingent of members who also were crew members for Tiger.

The thoughts of the membership are with Olina and their family.