2015 Photo Album DVD Ready for Distribution

Web-Master Mark Goodrich announces that the 2015 Photo Album DVD has been completed and is ready for distribution to the membership. Copies will be available at regular lunch meetings on and after 06 January 2016.

The DVD contains: (1) A copy of the 30th Anniversary Book setting forth the history of both the Panama and Reno clubs; (2) A complete set of photographs memorializing “Mondongueros Events”, starting with the First Meeting in 1984, and ending with the most recent Annual Spouses’ Dinner on 21 November 2015; and (3) A complete set of the photographs, submitted by members and taken at club events, that currently comprise the Mondongueros’ Master Photograph Album, starting with the Photograph taken of Member Fred Austin immediately after his first solo in 1933, and ending with those taken during the most recent Annual Spouses’ Dinner on 21 November 2015.

It is hoped that members will step forward in 2016 by submitting several photographs taken of themselves in years past, so that the Master Photograph Album for 2016 will reflect a broader representation of ‘members over the years’. The Member News item asking for those submissions contains information on how to submit, and sets forth an exemplar gallery of photographs taken over the years of Member Hans Wolfe.

Dictator Declares Spouses’ Dinner A Success

Dictator Gary Edwards has declared the Annual Spouses’ Dinner an unqualified success.

Establishing a new tradition, the evening meal was started with “mondongo”, the tripe soup from which the Mondongueros is named, and a favorite of the “parent club” in Panama. As always, long-time Chef Charlotte “Mama” Hofer oversaw the meal preparation and service, which was excellent from soup to chocolate cake.

The event was well-attended. The many photographs taken have been posted to the web-site under the Events Section, and will be included within the Annual Photo Album on CD, to be distributed in mid-December at regular lunch meetings.

The resolution of photographs is muted somewhat for improved presentation on the web-site, but members who would like a high-resolution copy in either electronic or “glossy” formats may contact Web-Master Mark Goodrich.

Annual Spouses’ Dinner Set for 21 November 2015

Dictator Gary Edwards has announced the Annual Spouses’ Dinner will be held on the evening of Saturday, 21 November 2015, in a meeting room on the lower level of the Eldorado Hotel and Casino in downtown Reno. This annual function is the one event where we dress above “casual”, and give our spouses or significant others some insight into the Club de los Mondongueros.

Cocktails will begin at 6:00 pm, and dinner at 7:00 pm.

An after-dinner presentation related to aviation is planned.

Members will be asked by the Dictator to specify their menu choices for the Annual Dinner at regular lunch meetings a few weeks before the event.

Photographs taken at the Spouses’ Dinner will be included on the 2015 Edition of the Mondongueros Photo Album, and will be distributed to all members on CD at the regular lunch meetings on December 9th and December 16th.

Those members who still have not provided the long-requested photographs from their past are encouraged to submit several to the Web Master before November 21st, so they may be included within the Photo Album. The web-site post on the subject of “requested photographs” may be consulted for details.

Member Leo Lynn Flies West

Our brother Leo Lynn passed away last Friday – 15 May 2015 – at 0405, following a brief final illness. Patricia, his wife of 37 years, reports that he died peacefully in his sleep while surrounded by family.

Although Leo was a regular attendee at lunch for twenty years, he found it increasingly difficult to walk over the past two years, and his last meeting with us was the 30th Anniversary Lunch on 10 September 2014.

Leo was a B-17 pilot in World War II, and an active general aviation pilot for decades after the War. He owned and operated Lincoln-Mercury dealerships in Las Vegas and Reno for many years. After retirement. he served as a regular juror on the federal grand juries in Reno.

There will be no funeral. Patricia has arranged for a memorial get-together for family and friends to be held at the Reno Elks Lodge on Monday, June 1st, beginning at 1400. She would enjoy having Mondongueros Members attend to share their stories and remembrances about Leo.

The pictures below of Leo were taken in 1944, and during the Reno Air Races in September 2008.

Lynn, Leo (1944)(2008-09-00)(1-1)(LynnLeo)(RenoAirRaces)

Member News – Scholarship Golf Tournament May 30th

As we all know, our Brother and founding member Berto Crawford lost his beloved Pam a little over one year ago after a lengthy battle against cancer. Pam was a 1969 graduate of Sparks High School, and was a life-long contributor of time and effort to community activities in Sparks, and in particular connected with Speaks High School. Few of the girls graduating from Sparks High School girls have the opportunity to go on to college, and Berto has formed a scholarship foundation in Pam’s name – The Pamela Lummer Crawford Scholarship Foundation – for the purpose of helping young women with the potential to meet the expenses of college.

To help support part of the Foundation’s work, an Annual Golf Tournament and Barbecue will be held on Saturday, May 30th, at the Washoe County Golf Club. Non-golfers and families are invited to the Barbecue.

The Dictator urges all who can to support this worthwhile effort.


$10.00 Assessment for Web-Site Renewal

Our web-site has become an important part of Club de los Mondongueros Reno.

The annual hosting expense for the web-site will become due in June, and the Dictator has directed that each active member be assessed $10.00 to cover the expense for the period from 01 July 2016 through 30 June 2017.

You may remit to Web-Master Mark Goodrich by mail, or pay him directly at a regular lunch meeting.



Luis “Lucho” Moreno’s Wife Passes

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of the beloved wife – Josefina – of Luis H. “Lucho” Moreno in Panama on 25 March 2015, after some 60 years of marriage, and a lengthy final illness.

Newer members may read about Luis H. Moreno under the History Section of our web-site, and in the 30th Anniversary Booklet. He was sent to Reno by the Dictator of the Panama Club in 1984, and commissioned to present the original documents of formation for Club de los Mondongueros Reno to Clarence Crawford, our founding Dictator.

Dictator Gary Edwards has sent a message of condolence to Lucho on behalf of us all in the Reno Club.




Annual Spouses’ Dinner “A Success”

Dictator Gary Edwards Sr. characterized the Annual Spouses’ Dinner as “a success”, with a large turnout of some 26  members and spouses.

Our long-time hostess – Charlotte Hofer, but “Mama” to all of us – returned to oversee the preparation and service of the meal, despite her “formal retirement” earlier this year. In recognition of her many years of service to the club, Dictator Gary Edwards presented her with a bouquet of roses from the membership.

Thanks to the efforts of Member Mike Poirier and Dictator Gary Edwards, special awards were presented honoring Member Bill Elander as a member of the “Caterpillar Club” with the “Martin-Baker Tie-Club Cluster” for his successful bailout from his F-4 after being hit with a surface-to-air missile in 1973.

Members Mark Goodrich and Dave Penney honored the 30th Anniversary by presenting a history of Mondongueros, with accompanying booklet and a framed group photograph taken in September at the 30th Anniversary Lunch.

A gallery of photographs taken at the Annual Spouses’ Dinner has been posted on this web-site under the Event Galleries section, and will be included within the Mondongueros Photo Album to be distributed on CD in December.

Annual Spouse’s Dinner Set for 22 Nov 14

Dictator Gary Edwards has announced the Annual Spouse’s Dinner will be held on the evening of Saturday, 22 November 2014, in a meeting room on the lower level of the Eldorado Hotel and Casino in downtown Reno. This annual function is the one event where we dress above “casual”, and give our spouses or significant others some insight into the Club de los Mondongueros.

Cocktails will begin at 6:00 pm, and dinner at 7:00 pm.

Several special presentations are planned in recognition that 2014 is the 30th Anniversary of Club de los Mondongueros Reno. Among those events, the 30th Anniversary Commemorative Book will be distributed.

Members will be asked by the Dictator to specify their menu choices for the Annual Dinner at regular lunch meetings a few weeks before the event.

Annual Barbeque “A Success”

About one-half of the active membership, including Dictator Emeritus Tom Hallam,  turned out for the Annual Mondongueros Barbeque on Saturday, September 20th.

The weather, food and camaraderie were perfect.

Photographs taken at the event are posted on this web-site under the Event Galleries Section.