History of Club de los Mondongueros Panama

When returning to the Paitilla Airport one day in late 1954, Jorge Arias invited his uncle to join him for lunch in the small airport restaurant operated by Mrs. Lucila and her daughters. Impressed with the meal, Jorge asked Mrs. Lucila about her ability to prepare tripe, and invited several friends to join him the following Wednesday to savor tripe as prepared by her. The preparation was so extraordinary and acceptance so enthusiastic that Jorge decided to propose a “Club de Mondongueros”, as the word for tripe in Spanish is mondongo.

Thus, Club de los Mondongueros Panama was organized on November 17, 1954, centered on the common interest of its founding members on the myriad ways in which tripe may be prepared. Its motto was: “With the Tripe, By the Tripe, and For the Tripe”. As such, the only imperative established as a condition of membership was “the capacity to ingest and digest”. It was determined that the Club would meet for lunch each “working Wednesday”.

From the earliest meetings, members would begin to arrive 30 to 45 minutes before the officially designated time. At the conclusion of each meeting, a raffle was held for gifts that members had brought in the interests of friendship from their travels abroad.

Because the self-described “nutritional society” was established in the capitol city of Panama, initially included the nation’s ambassadors from Peru, France and Italy, and other individuals of position within the governmental and business communities of Panama, Club de los Mondongueros Panama has, since its inception, included diplomats, national government officials and business leaders in its membership.

Because of the limited space in the restaurant of Mrs. Lucile, membership was originally limited to twenty in number, with members replaced by secret ballot when a vacancy occurred due to the death or relocation of a member. A single adverse vote was sufficient to invalidate a prospective member.

The society was agreed to be one of friendship between distinguished persons who would gather weekly to talk, but never to argue. Topics of discussion would be open to all but politics and the promotion of one’s business or profession. Dress would be informal, and management of the Club would be under the “charming regency of the Dictator”, who would be an exemplar of the cordial and democratic demeanor expected of all members. Member Marco Robles (a former President of the Republic of Panama) was the original Dictator.

The “starving cow” symbol of Club de los Mondongueros Panama was initiated by Member Clarence Crawford, long a resident of Panama, and in retirement at Reno, Nevada, to subsequently become the founder of the affiliated Club de los Mondongueros Reno in 1984.

On November 17, 2014, Club de los Mondongueros Panama celebrated its 60th Anniversary.